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发布时间: 2022-08-20 12:30:03 浏览:

Shopping around flea markets does not require any particular physical strength, but a sharp eye for the unique and skills in hard bargaining are certainly a big bonus. These markets contain stacks of items and if you"re lucky, you can find items such as reading lamps reminiscent of extravagant British aristocrats, fashion hats full of French romanticism, Italian handicrafts or props used by the original protagonist of a Hollywood movie. There are always many unique articles to get your hands on. But what is most important is the exciting experience and satisfaction obtained from hunting them out.


Distinctive flea markets are scattered around major cities all over the world. If you get a chance to shop around, you will find your trip especially rewarding…Take a look at the flea markets introduced in this issue of Destination.


New York: Epitome of the World


127 Corridor127走廊市场

127 Corridor is unique. Beginning on a highway in Jamestown, Tennessee, this flea market stretches hundreds of miles through Kentucky and continues its way to Alabama. Don"t be surprised to see everything from farm machinery to home-made food and cartoon books all there for sale. Over 2,000 vendors come here every July, and caravans carrying goods for sale are everywhere. The market generally lasts 3 weeks. In addition, rocking horses are specially provided for children to play on, and Mexican street bands and singers loved by young people give on-site performances, all adding to the atmosphere. The charm lies not only in spotting hidden treasures or bargains, but in the unusual shopping atmosphere and the idyllic scenery of the US.



1.约上朋友,开辆二手的美国大车,伴着喇叭里播放的五六十年代流行的甲壳虫乐队的歌曲逛“127”才是真正“country style”的美国生活!


Other Recommendations 其它市场推荐:

42nd Street Bazaar


42nd Street Bazaar was set up by group of passionate Lebanese, whose ambitious aim was to turn it into the Fashion Mecca of Manhattan. The flea market, located in Times Square, New York, is hailed as one of the most eclectic mixes of all the world"s nationalities. English, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Serbian, Turkish, French and Japanese languages can all be heard here, typical of the melting-pot that is American culture. Not only familiar items from your hometown, but a rich variety of other articles from all over the world can be found here - a truly eye-opening scene! Even if you don"t buy anything, it is a feast for the eyes. Also, this is an indoor market, so you can shop around at ease even on a cold winter"s day.

相关热词搜索: 玩转 跳蚤市场 各国

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